
Developer: Jason's Plugins
Category: Notification & Messaging
Github: Github Repo
Assistance: Get help!   
Plugin ID: com.heddings.indigo.prowl
Latest release: v1.2.0 released on Aug. 5, 2022
Release downloaded: 0 times
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0 or higher
(Check the Releases tab below for older releases that may have different requirements)
  Download latest release


Prowl is a simple app that allows you to send arbitrary notifications to your iOS devices. By installing it for Indigo, you'll be able to send push notifications as actions. Because this plugin uses the Prowl API's directly, you do not have to have Growl installed on your system.


Indigo Pro is required to get support for plugins. If you haven't tried Indigo and are interested in home automation, please give it a shot right away... You won't be disappointed!

To use this plugin, you will need a free Prowl account. If you already have an account, you are already one step ahead of the game!

After creating your Prowl account, you will need to create an API key. Even if you have an existing API key, create a new one specifically for this application. Be sure to keep this API key handy, you'll need it later.

You will also need the Prowl app installed in your mobile device. There are no subscription fees, just the one-time cost for the app. After purchasing, open the app and be sure to allow notifications (that's why we are doing this after all). You can also send a message using their online tool to try it out.


Automatic Installation

The easiest way to install and keep up to date with this plugin is to install from the [Indigo Plugin Store][].

Manual Installation

If you don't want to use the Plugin Store release for some reason, Visit the releases page and download the latest version. For advanced users, you may also clone the source tree directly into your Indigo plugins folder, making updates as easy as pull & reload.


After installing the first time, you will be prompted for the plugin configuration. You can also access the plugin config at any time from the Plugins menu.

The 'Application Name' is useful for identifying the source of the push messages. It is visible on each notification. By default, the application will show up as 'Indigo' for all messages.

The 'API Key' is the same key you created earlier (you did that, right?).

Occasionally, it is useful to see the debugging information to troubleshoot problems. Feel free to enable debugging, but it will get rather noisy if left on all the time.


After you have installed and configured the plugin, you can start to send messages as actions. For the type of action, select 'Notification Actions' and 'Prowl Notify'. Then press 'Edit Action Settings' and you will be prompted for the following information.

Your message may include a 'Title', which will be displayed on the notification. This could be an event type, such as Weather, or any value you'd like. It is not required.

The message must include a body, specified in the 'Message' property.

Your message may also provide a 'Priority', which determines how the message is handled by Prowl.

Both the 'Title' and 'Message' allow standard variable and state substitutions. Simply insert %%v:VARIABLEID%% anywhere in the text as many times as you want. VARIABLEID is the variable's numeric id as found in the UI. Likewise, you can substitute device state values by inserting %%d:DEVICEID:STATEKEY%% where DEVICEID is the device's numeric id and the STATEKEY is the state identifier as found in the doucumentation for built-in devices and in the Custom States tile in the control area of the Home screen for custom plugin devices.

Release details
Released on: Aug. 5, 2022
Requires: Indigo v2022.1.0+
Downloaded: 0 times 
Changes in this release

Updated to Python3 & Indigo API 3.0.

Full Changelog:

Release details
Released on: Jan. 1, 2018
Requires: Indigo v7.0.2 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 105 times 
Changes in this release
  • Removed unused menu items
  • Updating debug logging
Release details
Released on: Dec. 30, 2017
Requires: Indigo v6.0.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 5 times 
Changes in this release
  • Refactored API into a dedicated Prowl client
  • Added client unit tests
  • Updated structure & documents for the Plugin Store
Release details
Released on: Dec. 31, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.0.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 36 times 
Changes in this release
  • Added support for Unicode characters in messages
  • Updated compatibility to Indigo 7
Release details
Released on: Nov. 26, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.1.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 5 times 
Changes in this release

Version change only.

Release details
Released on: April 11, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.1.0 thru v2022.2
Changes in this release
  • Fixed a logging bug
  • Minor refactoring
  • Updated the updater
Release details
Released on: Jan. 29, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.1.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 20 times 
Changes in this release
  • Added ability to update plugin automatically
  • Minor refactoring and logging improvements
Release details
Released on: Jan. 27, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.1.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 39 times 
Changes in this release
  • Switched API connections to use HTTPS
  • Several updates to the updater
  • General refactoring and logging improvements
Release details
Released on: Jan. 24, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.1.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 6 times 
Changes in this release

Added "check for updates" option.

Release details
Released on: Jan. 24, 2016
Requires: Indigo v6.1.0 thru v2022.2
Downloaded: 55 times 
Changes in this release

First stable release of this plugin... Improved error handling and logging.